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Everything posted by kBKi77Scq9Z

  1. Thank you for your review and your oppinion its very important for us! But please be careful with the bans!
  2. Hi @Beta-S, has i said on Global chat the only way to get banned with our products right now is by getting reported since we can only support the anticheat and no the netease staff Anyways here is a explaination from our private guides for customers (check image)
  3. Hey! Hows your december month going? We hope you re fine and probably you will be more when you know we are few promotions for this month, to start we have a Giveaway Active until the 20th of December! What we are gifting this Christmas 2020? Shadow Creative Destruction - x2 Keys for 1Month. Shadow Cyber Hunter - x2 Keys for 1Month. Click here to enter the GiveAway Hey don't leave yet we are something more for you! It is a 15% Discount at checkout for every product in the store and it is valid until the 30th December so what are you waiting to save a 15% for your next purchase? Use this COUPON for the DISCOUNT: XMAS2020 Happy Christmas 2020 to all.
  4. There are our community rules, if you break any of these you will be banned permanently. - Not reading our Terms of Service and/or Refound Policy. - Resquesting refounds. - Being an asshole or acting like a kids, our discord ins't a kindergarten. - Do not post links to any other website. - Do not beg or ask for free cheats. - Do not disrespect any other member. - Do not upload files and/or send it to members. - Do not share your website account with any person without exceptions. - Do not sell/resell/gift/share your website account or product key or loader.
  5. No sorry was added by mistake and now is solved, the only cheat that only has teleport is Creative Destruction.
  6. I am not really sure if this is possible on cyber hunter at all, since cyber hunter have a server side check for your position, so maybe with some time on it can be possible, but i can't accept this at 100% yet (since i am not sure), sorry.
  7. Hola despues de realizar el pago, solo debes pulsar en donde dice "Cheat Loader" y lo pones en una usb de hay podras ejecutarlo.
  8. Hola buenas, el precio lo puedes consultar aqui -> https://forum.colorcheats.com/bankpipe.php , es subcripcion es decir despues que pase el tiempo que compres no te dejara usarlo mas y tendras que resuscribirte para volverlo a usar y para usarlo es sencillo a no ser que en tu pc se presente algun error.
  9. We accept Bitcoins too, also we can't do anything with spamhaus you need to release your ip or request unblock.
  10. Hello There is slots available you can freely buy it right now.
  11. Hello i can't see the image, upload it with the imgurl uploader please.
  12. It not, we not are invasive so when the time you purchased expire you will be downgraded to free membership and you decide if you want to purchase again or not.
  13. Not yet cause we handle it better with the usb for some reasons sorry, may change in the future.
  14. Hello Thank you for your honest review i hope you enjoy our services.
  15. Yes i will be compatible.
  16. Tema solucionado error de la pasarela de PayPal.
  17. Hola es todo automatico, y si nesecitas un usb/pendrive o particion. Y para correr el loader tienes que ponerlo en la usb y abrirlo desde hay te logeas con tu usuario y contraseña y elijes el cheat que compraste, lo injectas con el juego abierto y mientras se injecta pulsas repetidamente el boton de disparar de tu mouse para activar el bypass del aimbot y eso seria todo, si nesecitas ayuda una vez ayas comprado puedes unirte a nuestro discord te aparecera un link y hay te podemos ayudar mejor o incluso por teamviewer.
  18. Thank you for your honest review :)
  19. Hola tienes que ir aqui https://forum.colorcheats.com/bankpipe.php o clickear en la bolsita de compra de arriba.