The information of this page was updated on: 15/05/2022
Support Windows 10 x64 1909 to 21H2
Support Windows 11
Supported AntiCheats
VAC (Valve Anticheat) = UNDETECTED
NEAC (Netease Kernel Anticheat = UNDETECTED
ESP - Visuals
Player ESP.
Monster ESP.
ESP Boxes.
ESP Distance.
ESP Line.
ESP Head.
ESP Skeletons.
ESP Health.
ESP Shield.
ESP Name.
ESP Bot.
ESP Team.
ESP Loot.
ESP Box Type.
ESP Line Position.
Assistance - Aimbot
Aimbot Key 1.
Aimbot Key 2.
Aimbot Fov (From 0 to 500).
Aimbot Smooth (From 0 to 10).
Last Build.
Nearest Players Alert.
Locked Aimbot Enemy.
HotKey Menu.
Enemy Box Color
Enemy Line Color.
Enemy Name Color.
Enemy Distance Color.
Enemy Skeleton Color.
Enemy Head Color.
Enemy Direction Color.
Enemy Radar Color.
Team Box Color
Team Line Color.
Team Name Color.
Team Distance Color.
Team Skeleton Color.
Team Head Color.
Team Direction Color.
Team Radar Color.
NPC Box Color
NPC Line Color.
NPC Name Color.
NPC Distance Color.
NPC Skeleton Color.
NPC Head Color.
NPC Direction Color.
NPC Radar Color.
Common Drop Color.
Rare Drop Color.
Epic Drop Color.
Legendary Drop Color.
Fov Range Color.
Crosshair Color.